Tell Your Beekeeping Story

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

November 30, 2019

Five Reasons You Need a Beepods Membership

  At Beepods we want our customers to BEE successful. As a new beekeeper, you have much to learn and the bees can’t always wait for you to figure it out. Fortunately, we offer a Beepods membership so that you can continue to receive support even beyond your first year.   […]
November 17, 2019

Should You Add Bees or Chickens to Your Outdoor Classroom?

                  As you look to develop your school’s outdoor classroom, you may be asking that difficult question: bees or chickens? Here’s a scorecard to help you make that decision.  Rules There may be city and county ordinances for both chickens and honeybees. […]
October 28, 2019

Selling Honey at School

Honeycomb from a Beepods hive. Once your Beepods hive is active and established, it’s time to think about selling honey. While you probably won’t harvest much honey the first year, you can expect 60-100 pounds a year after that. Here’s what you need to know to get started selling honey […]
October 17, 2019

Starting an Educational Hive

Fall is great time to start thinking about starting an educational hive at your school. That gives you six months to plan and seek funding before the weather warms up again.  Here are a few steps to follow that will help you succeed. 1. Start a Buzz Begin by talking […]