Three Key Lessons We’ve Learned From Past Beekeepers

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

January 23, 2021

Three Key Lessons We’ve Learned From Past Beekeepers

Beekeeping is a 9,000-year old profession that has seen many changes over the years. While some changes happened much more recently than 9,000 years ago, those changes have allowed beekeeping to become what it is today. At Beepods, we believe in Beekeeping For The Bees and we are delighted to […]
November 24, 2020

This Thanksgiving, Make Sure You Thank The Bees

Thanksgiving is upon us! As you’re sitting down to your Thanksgiving meals this week, virtually or otherwise, take a moment to give thanks to bees. Without these hard workers, there wouldn’t be much of a feast, we wouldn’t be as healthy, and we wouldn’t be feeling the holiday spirit. Bees […]
June 22, 2020

Beepods Reveals Why Young People Are the Key to Saving Pollinators

Happy Pollinator Week! This week we are celebrating our favorite birds, bees, butterflies, beetles, and bats that help keep our food growing and environment thriving. Ready to celebrate? Let’s go! An Average Party It’s mid-summer. You’ve been invited to a friend’s house for a party and asked to bring a […]