Straightening Honey Comb in a Top-Bar Hive During Inspection

Laura shows Scott how to straighten the honey comb in the Beepods top-bar hive during an inspection.

In this video, Laura shows Scott how to straighten the honey comb in the Beepods top-bar hive during an inspection after the colony has been installed for two weeks.

Inspection With Comb Straightening at Two Weeks After Installation

In this video, you’ll learn how to perform a top-bar hive inspection at two weeks after the colony was installed and you’ll learn about straightening comb that has not been built straight.

Repairing Honey Comb with Plastic Ties

Charlie and Jesse Graves show us how to repair broken honey comb. Using zip ties, the bar stand a Bee Wrangler to put the comb back together.'
Brad James
Brad James is Beepods CEO. He covers the business of beekeeping and implementation of beekeeping systems from every angle -- as well as occasional other topics. Before joining Beepods, Brad has helped many startups get off the ground through implementing organizational strategy that leverages current personnel and implementing tried and true business processes that promote business growth and leadership development. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @BJJames23.

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