The Secret to Funding Your Next Hive

Beekeeping grant school

Beekeeping grant school

As an educator, it’s pretty easy to see the value of a Beepod. It enhances your outdoor classroom, creates a focal point for STEM-based science lessons, and creates an awareness of pollinators. On top of that, Beepods allow schools to produce and sell honey. Perhaps what’s holding you back is convincing your school to fund the Beepod. I talked to our sales folks to get some insider tips on how to find funding sources. 

Beekeeping grant school

Beekeeping grant school


In my January 21 blog, I talked about funding a Beepods hive with a grant. This is the first funding source many teachers consider when seeking to offset the cost of a hive. If your school is using your Beepods hive for research and sharing data with our Healthy Hive Management Software™, we can help explore ways to fund your research. When you talk to a sales representative, you will learn about more than a dozen nationwide grants that are targeted to nonprofit schools and universities. In addition, there are many state and local grants that would provide funding for a Beepod. We can even guide you through producing a video to increase the likelihood of securing a grant. 

The sales team says you need to plan ahead and be patient. It can take up to six months to get a response so you will want to apply for multiple grants. And while you’re at it, you might even request funding for multiple Beepods. 


While grants may be the most well-known funding source, our sales team suggests that seeking donors may be an even stronger option for schools. Look for a service organization like Lions Club, Rotary Club, or Kiwanis, locate the club nearest you, and send a donor letter. We can provide you with sample letters that focus on the impact for your students, a request for financial assistance, and the opportunity to have the club’s name engraved on the Beepod. 

Are you familiar with DonorsChoose? It’s like GoFundMe for teachers. This is an excellent portal to post your project as over 75% of educators reach their fundraising goal. In your post, you include everything you need for your beekeeping project. The community of donors then funds the project and DonorsChoose ships everything straight to your school. 

As you finish up your school year, add “funding a Beepod” to your final checklist. Organizations and individuals are looking for ways to make a positive difference in their communities right now. Next fall, coming off of remote learning, teachers and students will be chomping at the bit to step away from computers and do some hands-on learning. 

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Bill Polacheck

Bill is a teacher, environmentalist, and freelance writer. If he's not out in nature, he's happy to be writing about it.'

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Bill Polacheck
Bill is a teacher, environmentalist, and freelance writer. If he's not out in nature, he's happy to be writing about it.

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