The Top 6 Bee Gifts To Give Mom On Mother’s Day (Or all the days of the year)

Moms are a lot like bees. They’re hard working ladies who go the distance to make sure their home is a nourishing place to raise their kids. They don’t always get the credit they deserve, though. That’s why, for Mother’s Day this year, we put together a list of bee-themed gifts we know your mom will love! Check them out below. 


Flower Seeds

You can be like everyone else on Mother’s Day and get her a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store — Or, you could get her seeds to grow her own flowers! This way she can have beautiful flowers that remind her of you, all season long! Even if your mom doesn’t have a green thumb, there are plenty of bee-friendly blooms that are easy to plant and maintain! We recommend the Pollinator Friendly Wildflower Mix from Mountain Valley Seed Co. These seeds are easy to grow and will last into the fall! 



Bee Beauty


Your mom works hard, why not pamper her with high quality bee beauty products? We offer a selection of scented balms and salves made from propolis! These products will help nourish the skin and keep it healthy! She may also like beeswax lip balms, honey and lavender body wash for relaxation, and honey face wash for a glowing complexion! 

Bee Crafty


Does your mom love DIY? We’ve got the perfect gift for her. Besides honey, bees create wax and propolis which are perfect for making balms and salves! If your mom loves some of the beauty products listed above, she’ll definitely enjoy creating her own. We have a great balm and salve making kit with everything you need to make your own bee beauty products! 

Bee Sweets


Honey is worth its weight in gold. Not only is it delicious, it has so many health benefits! And don’t you want your mom to be healthy? Get her honey from your local beekeeper to help boost her immune system, treat allergies, and to sweeten up her favorite dishes! She may also love honey chocolate patties and honey mustard dip

Bee Resourceful


Are you looking for an all-in-one gift that has your mom’s name all over it? Then look no further than Beepods’ own Recipes and Remedies Collection. Our ebook is full of some of the best recipes for sweet and savory dishes, along with beeswax crafts, and at-home remedies for illness. Your mom will love this beautifully designed recipe book and all the sweet treats it has in store. Check out a few sample recipes

Quality Time


What is the best possible gift you can give your mom for Mother’s Day? It’s quality time. Spend time doing things she loves or even trying new things! Luckily, most of the gift options we mentioned above offer great ways to spend time with your mom. 


  • Plant those wildflower seeds with her in her garden. 
  • Make sweet and delicious bee treats with her. 
  • Treat yourselves to an in-home spa day with your bee beauty products. 
  • Have a craft day.
  • Relax and indulge with some of the sweeter things in life. 

Final Thoughts

If we’re being honest, moms deserve a lot more celebration than just one day. You are who you are because of her, and spending time doing things together will make her happier than any other gift ever could. Just like bees, moms help make the world go round. They are true superheroes that we can’t imagine life without. Happy Mother’s Day! 


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Monica Cull

Monica Cull is a writer, part-time traveler, and professional concert goer.
Monica Cull
Monica Cull is a writer, part-time traveler, and professional concert goer.

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