97 results found for: wax

The Science and Beauty Behind Hexagons

Have you ever admired the shape of a beehive? We have and let us tell you, it is one of the most unique looking structures we have ever seen. The six sided shape of the golden honeycomb fits perfectly together with no gaps to be seen…but why is it shaped […]

Varroa mite

Mites, Moths, and Mice: Menacing Creatures

Managing a beehive can be challenging enough without the extra burden from predators. Honey bee colonies can be intruded by parasites, diseases, and other pests throughout all seasons and some can be very harmful. Keeping your hive healthy is of the utmost importance to your beekeeping journey in order to […]

A bee gets pollen all over itself as it gathers forage.

The Real Meaning Behind “Busy Bees”

Worker bees – how busy are they? Unlike a human’s typical 9 to 5 business day, worker bees can work up to 12 hours in one day – and they never have a day off. When you look at a bee, your first thought is not about how busy they […]

Crazy Cures

Let us preface this by saying we don’t endorse the act of bee venom therapy because it kills the bees in return, but we want to explain these crazy cures so people are aware and educated about them!  At one point or another, we have all heard of someone using […]

Hive Damage

Sustainable Bee Products for You

Let’s be honest, isn’t everyone’s favorite part of opening presents on Christmas morning when they get to see what’s in their stocking? The stocking is basically a small bag of presents personalized all for you. It is mainly stuffed with an endless supply of things you don’t need, but it […]