97 results found for: wax

11 Awesome Uses for Your Stored Honeycomb

When you think of getting started with beekeeping and the sweet rewards your new hobby might provide you, you likely think of honey. While honey is certainly a delicious beekeeping perk, it’s not the only product bees make that you can use and enjoy in your life.  Honeycomb is a […]

Why Beekeeping Has Become So Popular And Why It’s Time You Jumped On The Bandwagon

If you take a look around your neighborhood, local parks, farms, and cities, you may notice something you haven’t before: beehives. You may have also noticed that some of your friends and family have taken up beekeeping as well. But, why? What’s the deal with all the bees? There are […]

Hops and Bees: A Lucky Combo

Brewing beer. It’s a process that’s been around almost as long as beekeeping. The main ingredients in beer are water, a grain (typically barley), yeast, and especially hops. When brewed and fermented together, these ingredients create the beer so many of us enjoy.    Do you know what else enjoys […]

The Top 6 Bee Gifts To Give Mom On Mother’s Day (Or all the days of the year)

Moms are a lot like bees. They’re hard working ladies who go the distance to make sure their home is a nourishing place to raise their kids. They don’t always get the credit they deserve, though. That’s why, for Mother’s Day this year, we put together a list of bee-themed […]

Bee-Themed Activities You Can Do With Your Kids This Summer

Schools out! Summertime has begun. As life shifts back to a more normal pace, you may be wondering what to do with your kids now that they’re on summer break. They’ve spent a lot of time looking at screens due to virtual learning, plus all the screen time they spend […]