Watch The Pollinators to See How We Can All Choose to Change Agriculture

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

November 13, 2020

Watch The Pollinators to See How We Can All Choose to Change Agriculture

The Realities of Keeping Bees The Pollinators starts in the dark of night, immediately showing the realities of commercial beekeeping that most US citizens are not aware of. Starting just past dusk, beekeepers load up and transport thousands of colonies. The workers are all back in their hives, sleeping for […]
November 12, 2020

5 Things You Can Do While Your Bees are Clustering This Winter

Winter is a quiet time of year for beekeepers. While your bees are clustering and keeping themselves warm in their hive, you’re likely spending more time inside, too. You may be missing your bees, but there are some very bee-centric and productive things you can do to pass the time! […]
November 10, 2020

Why Top Bar Hives Are Designed For Bees

Humans have been beekeeping for over 9,000 years. Egyptians first kept bees in clay pots made from the Nile River mud. They would even ferry the hives downriver to fertilize a wide variety of crops. Other cultures such as Celtic and South American, would keep bees in hollow logs or […]
November 6, 2020

6 Cold Weather Feeding Tips You Have to Know

In an ideal world, your bees have a productive spring and summer and head into the cold seasons with massive amounts of glorious, honey-filled bars. But even new beekeepers know that the perfect, self-sufficient, endlessly resilient colony doesn’t always exist. You have to carefully watch the weather, the forage availability, […]
November 5, 2020

Protect Your Bees from Winter Winds and Precipitation With These Tips

You know the feeling: You’re bundled up outside, breathing in the cold winter air and admiring the snowflakes that are gently falling around you. Then, BOOM. You’re hit with a gust of wind. Suddenly it feels like the temperature dropped 20 degrees, and those gentle snowflakes are now pelting your […]