Hive Splitting: All Your Questions Answered

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

May 8, 2020

Hive Splitting: All Your Questions Answered

What Is Hive Splitting? Hive splitting came up when I talked about how spring means swarms in an earlier post. That blog was mostly an introduction to what swarms are and why they aren’t something to worry about. I mentioned there that if you really wanted to avoid your bees […]
May 7, 2020

5 Things Treatment-Free Beekeepers Wish They Knew When They Started

So you want to join the ranks of treatment-free beekeepers? Congratulations! It’s a worthy, data-backed cause. It’s important to do some research and plan ahead of time to set yourself up for success. You wouldn’t attempt to climb El Capitan without some leg work, would you? Would you? Treatment-free beekeeping […]
May 6, 2020

HiveSpy: Bringing Automation to Beekeeping

Professor Navid Shaghaghi, a lecturer and researcher at Santa Clara University in California, is known as a STEM rock star on YouTube. Talk to him for any length of time and you’ll see why. His knowledge is expansive and his enthusiasm is contagious. Currently, he is working with a group […]
May 1, 2020

Why Are My Bees Eating Birdseed?

Bees eat pollen. That’s a no brainer. In fact, bees eating pollen is one of the reasons there are so many plants around in the first place. When bees fly around collecting pollen for food, they spread some of it around to other plants, causing the pollination that bees are […]
April 29, 2020

Finding Wild Bees of Wisconsin

Respect for Wild Bees Here at Beepods HQ, we have respect for the wild bees of our state. There are over 500 known species of them! These six-legged, four-winged insects help pollinate our wildflowers and fruit crops, helping our state’s economy and creating the beautiful landscapes we know and love.    […]