Starting Your Outdoor Classroom

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

October 13, 2019

Starting Your Outdoor Classroom

Transform your teaching with an outdoor classroom. Here are some simple steps to get you on your way.  Do your homework. Go visit some nearby schools with outdoor classrooms and talk to the teachers that use them. If possible, ask for some pictures of the classrooms in action. Then put […]
October 11, 2019

Fall Flowers to Support Your Local Bee Population

If you don’t have a hive yet or if you have a Beepods hive but want to do more to support your bees, carefully choosing what plants you grow, including fall flowers, can support your local bee population. It is natural to be excited in late winter to choose the […]
October 3, 2019

6 Tips to Winterize Your Hive So Your Bees Thrive

In Wisconsin, the seasonal changes can be dramatic not just for us, but for our insect companions as well. These weather extremes can affect their very survival and it’s vital to start planning how you will winterize your hive well in advance to ensure your bees have the best chance […]
June 17, 2019

Where does pollinator week come from? A brief History of Pollinator Week and its impact on supporting pollinators

May 16, 2018

Why You Should Purchase the Beepods Online Course

At Beepods, we’ve talked for a long time about developing an online course for our beekeepers. We wanted a class that would cover all of the basics that a beginning beekeeper might need to get started, and an experienced beekeeper can use as a refresher. It’s been a long time […]