Bee Afraid: A Review of Horror Movies With Bees

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

October 31, 2019

Bee Afraid: A Review of Horror Movies With Bees

It’s That Time of Year It’s All Hallow’s Eve. Samhain. Halloween. For some of us (me), it’s our favorite holiday of the year and it’s a time to celebrate. I like to indulge in horror movies. Every year I’m on a personal quest to find quality horror movies. You know, […]
October 28, 2019

Selling Honey at School

Honeycomb from a Beepods hive. Once your Beepods hive is active and established, it’s time to think about selling honey. While you probably won’t harvest much honey the first year, you can expect 60-100 pounds a year after that. Here’s what you need to know to get started selling honey […]
October 24, 2019

Let’s Dispel Those Misconceptions About Bees

While developing a fear of bees is understandable, especially if you have a bee allergy or vividly remember your first bee sting, there are many misconceptions about bees that keep people from understanding these amazing insects. When people don’t understand bees, they are less willing to support bees. It’s common […]
October 18, 2019

When You Go Apple Picking This Fall, Think of the Bees

The Joys of Apple Picking You know the feeling. The first bite of a superbly crisp and juicy Cortland apple from the local orchard. It’s fall in a single mouthful. I personally start dreaming about going to the orchard once August hits and the light starts to change. I think […]
October 17, 2019

Starting an Educational Hive

Fall is great time to start thinking about starting an educational hive at your school. That gives you six months to plan and seek funding before the weather warms up again.  Here are a few steps to follow that will help you succeed. 1. Start a Buzz Begin by talking […]