Bee Health and Scientific Updates in 2019

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

January 9, 2020

Bee Health and Scientific Updates in 2019

Scientific research is crucial for understanding why bees are dying and how humans can help them thrive again. The challenge with research, whether it’s about bees or humans, is that living things don’t exist in hermetically sealed environments. Bee health is impacted by a variety of factors that interact with […]
January 7, 2020

It’s Showtime! January is the time for beekeeping education

You can’t keep a good beekeeper down! Not even when the weather turns cool and the skies turn gray. January is the time for beekeeping education. So, here are two opportunities just around the corner that will get you and your students fired up. 2020 North American Honey & Pollinator […]
January 5, 2020

Tommy Baker: ‘I know every periodic table pun on the internet’

Tommy Baker Q&A: ‘I know every periodic table pun on the internet’ Beepods project manager and sales associate Tommy Baker has the formula for success in STEM fields. He began his career as a chemist and then moved into education teaching AP Chemistry and STEM Education classes. Tommy wrote an […]
December 31, 2019

Bee Resolutions For Your Best and Most Productive 2020

When you first start learning about bees, really learning about bees, it’s like a whole new world just opened up and welcomed you in. Most of us remember learning about bees, briefly, when we were in elementary school, but when you do a deep dive into the world of bees, […]
December 26, 2019

Bee Folklore for The Darkest of Days

Last weekend was the winter solstice, the so-called shortest day of the year (in terms of sunlight, at least.) It’s a spiritual time of year for cultures past and present, with an emphasis on the themes of death and renewal; in Celtic traditions, this is the time of year our […]