Cross Comb: Why it Happens and What You Can Do About It

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

July 2, 2020

Cross Comb: Why it Happens and What You Can Do About It

It’s a moment beekeepers dread. You head out to your hive to pay your bees a visit and see how they’re doing. As you open it up and go to pull out a frame, you’re faced with a frustrating and confusing sight. Your bees have built comb across frames, making […]
June 30, 2020

Next Year’s Science Lessons Just Got a Whole Lot Better

Summer’s here and the time is right…for planning next year’s science lessons! OK, maybe that’s not the first thing that comes to mind but your students will be much more engaged if you put in some planning time over the summer. Maybe your school just got a Beepod or is […]
June 26, 2020

The Incredible Ways That Bees See the World

One of the most exciting things about bees, an aspect of their anatomy that scientists have spent countless hours studying over the years, is their phenomenal sight. For being such small creatures, the way bees view the world is almost un-bee-lievable. What they can see and understand is incredible! A […]
June 25, 2020

What Beekeepers Need to Know About Pollen Nutrition to Keep Their Colony Healthy

Pollen! That glorious powdery stuff that makes you sneeze. It may not always be glorious for us, but the bees sure love it and absolutely need it to live, grow, and prosper. If you’re a beekeeper, it’s essential you understand what pollen is, how bees collect it, and what it […]
June 24, 2020

Naturalize Your Yard Without Offending Your Neighbors

  Let’s face it, lawns are not bee-friendly. The herbicides used on them poison bees. The lack of flowering plants provides little by way of forage. It may seem that the simple solution is to have less lawn and more garden areas but that can be difficult for some people […]