The Science and Beauty Behind Hexagons

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

August 26, 2021

The Science and Beauty Behind Hexagons

Have you ever admired the shape of a beehive? We have and let us tell you, it is one of the most unique looking structures we have ever seen. The six sided shape of the golden honeycomb fits perfectly together with no gaps to be seen…but why is it shaped […]
August 11, 2021

What Has Climate Change Done To Bees?

Climate change has been a big topic of conversation around the world lately and for a good reason. We know that climate change is becoming an increasing problem and it has disastrous effects on the planet. For starters, we see wildfires, rising sea levels, deadly heat waves, and other natural […]
June 30, 2021

How To Keep Your Bees Calm During An Inspection

The most commonly known fact about bees is that they sting. While honey bees are typically docile, if they become agitated and fear that their colony is under attack, they will sting you. Not only will a sting hurt us, but it will also kill the bee. That’s why, as […]
June 23, 2021

Pollinator Week: How COVID-19 And Modern Technology Have Impacted Bees

How the global pandemic impacted honey bees, beekeepers, and the environment, and how using modern technology can help beekeepers adopt and spread the word about helping to save the bees.    “Where were you when you first heard about COVID-19?”    It’s a guarantee that this will be one of […]
June 17, 2021

Bee-Themed Activities You Can Do With Your Kids This Summer

Schools out! Summertime has begun. As life shifts back to a more normal pace, you may be wondering what to do with your kids now that they’re on summer break. They’ve spent a lot of time looking at screens due to virtual learning, plus all the screen time they spend […]