Now’s The Perfect Time to Harvest Propolis… And Here’s How!

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

October 9, 2020

Now’s The Perfect Time to Harvest Propolis… And Here’s How!

We all know honey is amazing, but don’t sleep on the incredible benefits of propolis. This sticky, resinous substance is a powerhouse in the hive, which the bees use like caulk to seal and repair the hive in preparation for winter. Additionally, propolis has antimicrobial properties that the bees use […]
October 8, 2020

3 Ways a Beepods Desiccant Will Help Your Bees Survive the Winter

Winter is a challenging time of year for beekeepers. Despite best efforts by even the most experienced beekeepers, cold conditions can be a colony’s doom. That’s why beekeepers must protect their hives from harsh winter elements. Today we’ll discuss how the Insulating Desiccant in Beepods’ Winterizing Kit helps your bees […]
October 6, 2020

3 Simple Things You Can Do To Get Your Hive Ready For Winter

October is one of those crazy months where it’s warm one day and you’re getting frostbite the next—especially if you live in the Midwest near Beepods HQ. Because of these crazy and unpredictable weather patterns, October is a crucial month for your bees. They are working their little wings off […]
October 2, 2020

Have No Fear! It’s Incredibly Easy To Substitute Honey Into Your Recipes

With an ongoing pandemic and the increasingly autumnal weather, it’s no wonder we’re all baking up a storm. Baking and cooking have become a respite from the stressors of the world, and for good reason. Baking is detail-oriented, requires you to use all of your senses, and you get to […]
October 1, 2020

Mouse Guards: Our Critical Tool for Keeping Mice Out of Your Hive This Winter

  Mickey and Minnie, Stuart Little, Mighty Mouse, Speedy Gonzalez, and more. There are plenty of mice we all know and love. But the mice who decide your beehive is their winter oasis? Not so much. You might even despise them. We know one of the biggest headaches beekeepers like […]