Beepods Guide to Defend your Bees from Pesticides

Beepods Better Beekeeping Blog

June 27, 2016

Beepods Guide to Defend your Bees from Pesticides

  It’s hard out there for a bee. Although you can do everything in your power to create a safe environment for your bees in your yard, you can’t always control the actions of your neighbors. As bees will fly for miles to forage, your ability to completely protect them […]
June 20, 2016

Encouraging the Existence of Beneficial Insects Can Help the Honeybees

By: Sam Choan from Organic Lesson In recent years, the plight of the honey bees has been well documented – and rightly so – as they play a very important part in the production of agricultural crops. To the average person, the role that the bees play is hugely underestimated […]
June 15, 2016

Queen Cells: The 3 types and what they can tell you about your hive.

We sat down with our head of beekeeping operations to ask some questions about the queen cells she’s been finding in our hives.  During summer time, queen cells become something every beekeeper should be familiar with, especially if their colony (ies) seem to be going gang busters.  So we wanted […]
June 2, 2016

Healthy Hive™ Management Software Has Been Launched

For many beekeepers, the ease of tracking hive health through documentation and notes is a headache. Today, we have launched an online software solution targeted specifically at sustainable beekeepers who use top bar hives. With a focus on their own design, the Beepod Beekeeping System, the Healthy Hive Management software […]
June 2, 2016

3 people to get to know before trying to change the beekeeping ordinance

Working through a policy change at any level of government is extremely difficult, especially when it comes to bees.  At Beepods, we’ve helped to change a number of ordinances throughout Wisconsin and we are continuously getting more requests to help and this is why. We have identified 3 key people who […]